Year: 2016

  • Parking Enforcement

    A properly displayed valid permit is required for students and employees to park on campus. Come to the Campus Safety office with your vehicle information to register for a parking sticker before parking your vehicle.   Students can pay with a charge to your student account or a check. Student parking permits: $125  (parking stickers are…

  • Spring Break Parking – Lots Closed

    All vehicles remaining on campus over Spring Break must be parked in the designated break parking in the Bjorling Lot (directly west of the Music building) or if that fills up, in the designated break parking section in the Arbor View Lot. Look for the BREAK PARKING signs to be sure you are parked in…

  • Parking Permits – Spring Break Parking

    Students and employees must display a valid parking permit to park on campus. Come to the Campus Safety office before parking on campus to obtain your parking permit. Visitor parking is closed to students and employees at all times (24/7/365).  Student parking stickers are $125 for the remainder of the academic year.  Temporary passes are available $5/weekday for…

  • Safety Advisory

    To: Gustavus Community From: Campus Safety Date: Feb. 12, 2016 Subject: Safety Advisory Campus Safety received information on Feb. 12, 2016 of two separate suspicious incidents that occurred in the downtown Saint Peter area. Although the information received is very limited, the nature of the incidents described warrants a safety advisory. Very little is known…

  • Sexual Assault Warning

    To: Gustavus Community From: Campus Safety Date: Feb. 11, 2016 Subject: Sexual Assault Warning On Dec. 13, 2015, a mandated reporter contacted Campus Safety to report an acquaintance rape that occurred in a campus residence hall. It was also shared that an advocate from CADA was assisting the student and a report had been made…

  • Parking Enforcement

    Students must display a valid parking permit to park on campus. Temporary passes are available $5/weekday for those without a paid sticker. Regular parking enforcement is in effect for January term and Touring week.  Please park according to permit color and note that Visitor parking is closed to students and staff at all times (24/7/365). …