Campus Safety received an online report last evening, May 14th, regarding an incident that occurred at an off campus location. The report indicates that on Saturday, May 13, 2017 a female went to a party in the city of St. Peter. She was with a few friends and all of them had beverages that they were drinking. She put her can down for a minute and later she continued to drink it. Once she left the party, she was unable to make it home. She does not remember much regarding the rest of the night.
Fortunately, she was able to make a phone call to a friend who alerted Campus Safety. The St. Peter Police were called to assist and were able to locate the female wandering around lost and unsure of where she was.
The female reports that she believes someone had put something in her drink while it was unattended.
These additional tips will help to keep everyone safe:
It is entirely possible to stay safe while still having fun at parties or at a club. Go with a group of friends and stay together. Everyone should keep an eye out for each other and plan to go home together at the end of the night. Ask one person to be the group’s designated driver.
- Only accept drinks directly from the bartender or from your trusted friends.
- Containers should be opened by you.
- Don’t leave your drink lying around unattended. Take it with you, even to the bathroom, or ask a trusted friend to hold it for you.
- Never share drinks, especially with strangers.
- Avoid public drinks, such as punch bowls.
- If a drink tastes strange, smells odd, or has unexplained fizz or foam in it, don’t drink it.
- Stay close to your sober designated driver if you feel that you’ve had too much to drink.
- If there is any possibility that you have been drugged or even raped, do not urinate, clean your body, or remove clothing until you have gone to a hospital or police station.
- Do a urine test as soon as you regain consciousness, since the drugs can leave the body in a matter of hours.
- Phone Campus Safety or the St. Peter Police for more information or advise.
- Even though you might feel afraid, embarrassed, or shocked, get professional help as soon as possible.
Anyone with additional information regarding this or a similar incident is asked to call Campus Safety at x8888 or the St. Peter Police at (507)931-1550.

-- Carol Brewer Director of Campus Safety Gustavus Adolphus College
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