Year: 2015
Student Permit Prices
J-term only: $50 (red hanging pass, valid through Touring Week) or $5/weekday as needed J-Term + Spring: $150 (red sticker) Spring only: $125 (red sticker, not available until February) A valid, displayed parking permit is required for students and employees to park on campus. Visitor parking is closed to students and employees at all times.
Christmas Break Parking; Regular Parking Enforcement Finals Week, January Term and Touring Week
If you are leaving your vehicle on campus during Christmas break, you must park in marked Break Parking in the BJORLING parking lot directly west of the music building or if that fills up, the designated break parking section in the ARBOR VIEW parking lot. Any vehicles not moved to this location during break will…
Parking Enforcement, J-term prices
Students must display a valid parking permit to park on campus. Temporary passes are available $5/weekday for those without a paid sticker. Always assume that parking is enforced, even if classes are not in session. Parking IS ENFORCED during finals. If you are leaving your vehicle on campus during Christmas break, you must park in…
Parking Permits
Students and employees who wish to park a vehicle on campus must obtain a parking permit by registering with the Department of Campus Safety. Before parking on campus, please come to the Campus Safety office (with your vehicle information) to register for a parking permit. Sticker permits are $250 for the school year and are…
Campus Parking
Students and employees who wish to park a vehicle on campus must obtain a parking permit by registering with the Department of Campus Safety. Student online registration has closed, please come to the Campus Safety office (with your vehicle information) to register for a parking permit. Students who registered online will find their parking permit…
Summer Parking Enforcement
Vehicles on campus may park in any red or green permit space after Commencement through August 31, when we ask all employees and returning students to park according to permit color. Ticketing in the red and green permit areas then begins at 7am on the first day of classes in the Fall. Visitor parking is…
Parking is enforced through Graduation. A red permit is required for students to park on campus. Come to the Campus Safety office with your vehicle information to register for a parking sticker before parking a vehicle on campus. Always assume that parking is enforced. Students can pay with a charge to your student account or…
Parking Permits
A properly displayed valid permit is required for students and employees to park on campus. Come to the Campus Safety office with your vehicle information to register for a parking sticker before parking your vehicle. Students can pay with a charge to your student account or a check. Temporary permits are $5/weekday or stickers…
Severe Weather Awareness Week April 13-17; Extreme Heat
HEAT WAVES Heat Waves Kill From 2000 to 2010, 35 deaths were directly attributable to extreme heat in Minnesota. This count does not include data from 2011 when Minnesota experienced an extreme heat event that broke several records for dew point temperature. The National Weather Service (NWS) places high priority on alerting the public to…
Severe Weather Awareness Week April 13-17; Tornadoes (Statewide Tornado Drills)
Don’t forget! The statewide tornado drills are Thursday, April 16, 2015 at 1:45 P.M. and 6:55 P.M. Local county sirens and all NOAA Weather Radios in Minnesota will sound with a simulated tornado warning for both afternoon and evening drills. This is a great opportunity to review emergency plans and procedures, and conduct emergency drills at work and…