Parking permits are availing in the Campus Safety office – basement A wing of Norelius Hall. Contact 507-933-8888 or with any questions.
J-Term only passes will be $35 and are available at the start of January term.
A J-Term and 2nd semester parking sticker will be $120 and will be available at the end of classes in December.
A 2nd semester only parking sticker will be $105 (1/2 the cost of a year-long pass) and will be available at the end of January term.
Parking passes are not pro-rated over the course of the semester/J-term.
If you are bringing a different vehicle back to campus than the one you originally registered, you will need to register your new vehicle and get a new parking sticker in Campus Safety ($10 replacement sticker charge, and the old sticker must be turned in). If you will be using the alternate vehicle short-term, temporary passes are available (up to 2 weeks) for those who already have parking stickers. Contact Campus Safety at x8888 for more information. A vehicle cannot be parked on campus without a valid parking permit. Visitor parking spaces are closed to students and staff at all times (24/7/365).
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